Why Choose Us

Patient Focused

Dr. Patel and his staff are privileged to assist you with your oral and maxillofacial needs. Whether it’s a wisdom tooth extraction or an implant, we take the utmost care when performing procedures on you or your loved ones. We realize that many patients may be nervous prior to the procedures that we perform, that is why we strive to create the most caring and relaxed, but professional atmosphere possible. When it comes to patients, no need is too small – we are here for you.

Experience Matters

Dr. Patel is one of the most experienced oral surgeons in Columbus and the most experienced on the eastside. He is an assistant professor in the department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Anesthesiology at The Ohio State University. He has removed over 50,000 wisdom teeth over his nearly 30 years in private practice. He placed his first implant in 1984 and has placed thousands since, all while staying on the cutting edge of technology and the most up-to-date surgical techniques.


Dr. Patel is available 24/7 for any post-op concerns or problems. You will receive his home phone number as well as our 24 hour emergency number.

Have Confidence In Your Smile! Get in Touch Today

Contact our office to schedule your oral care today!

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